The tour of Chinese sanitary ware brand attracting global cooperation

2020-06-19    海讯社

Abstract: IMEX is a famous sanitary ware brand in China. IMEX is now inviting more partners to join hands together to offer brilliant service and products to Europe.

Tangshang China.With 25 years of experience as a manufacturer, IMEX always focus on the sanitary ware industry and with precise and professional working spirit turn itself to be trusted “craftsman.”

It's indicated from China's customs statistics that IMEX products have no barriers exporting to 132 countries and have been the top seller to European market since 2013.

Since 2007, IMEX brand has been constantly presented in ISH fair seven years in a row to display its high quality manufactured from China and to convey brand information and creates brand images that can be well trusted from the worldwide.

For the European market, IMEX understands what the consumers there need the most and design the products they prefer. IMEX will always stick to the precise quality from sanitary ware to intelligent toilet and have been proved and widely used in E.U.

IMEX has been working with distributors and serving the European countries for more 20 years. Graham Wickens, the director from IMEX UK said since 2002, when the first container delivered to UK market, the reputation of brand IMEX has been constantly growing based on its high quality products and intimate service. IMEX brand has already won the customers trust in Uk.

IMEX is now inviting more partners to join hands together to offer brilliant service and products to Europe.

Brand introduction:

IMEX is a famous sanitary ware brand in China. IMEX not only has the world advanced technique and equipment but also has the senior designers and management team. The factory covers an area of 200,000㎡ and has more than 2,000 staff in total. The capacity is over 2,000,000 piece of sanitary ware and 20,000 sets of bathroom furniture. IMEX product has been exporting to 132 countries and serving more than 500 million users in the world.

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