QR Code Industrial Inkjet Printer---The good helper of products identification

2020-06-19    海讯社

Abstract: Under the effect of the increasing demand for QR code identification nowadays, CYCJET began to push developing and upgrading of the C serials industrial inkjet printer. The large format inkjet printer can achieve large size, stable, and precise variable QR code content identification, and realize product packaging by unique code. Regardless of the previous product quality control or the later product traceability and product marketing, the machine all can lay a solid identification base for products.

What are the main applications of QR code printers?

Based on more than ten years of experience in the development, manufacture, installation, commissioning and after-sales maintenance of identification equipment, CYCJET C serials industrial inkjet printer began to transit to fast-moving products industries from the fields of pharmaceuticals, seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, and electronics industries, circuit boards, precision components, auto parts (such as engines, brake pads, etc.) . More and more food, beverages, and health products began to have the demand of QR code identification, as well as some industrial products, such as tiles.

What is the mainly concern of the qr code used in product identification?

Why we need variable barcode/qr code printing? In order to realize “one thing, one code”, the concept of IoT has been very hot in recent years. The Internet of Things is an important part of a new generation of information technology and an important stage of development in the “informatization” era. 

Product traceability, through scanning two-dimensional code, real-time and rapid understanding of the production processing, raw materials, authenticity and other important information, we can show our product characteristics to the consumer at immediate time, and increase the user's understanding of our products. At the same time, we can achieve instant reaction to understand consumers' experience and use this as decision data.

Offline marketing, through the two-dimensional code shown in the figure below, we can see a lot of practical cases in the beverage industry. For example, famous beverage products: Red Bull (Drink), Dongpeng (Drink), we can see various two-dimensional codes on them, There are two types of codes, and one is clear, the other is hidden. The hidden codes generally have reward. You can obtain returning cash by scanning the code, and you can understand the product information by clear code.

How is the qr code printed?

First, the relevant production companies make or select coding rules, generate a certain number of two-dimensional codes, and form a complete database system. Send the generated database system to the enterprise responsible for production packaging.

Then, packaging companies receive the database for collation and docking, and send data to the portable inkjet printer to print on the product, finally we can achieve what often say "one thing one code."

When the time of delivery is clear, the production area and sales target area of ??each batch of products can be clearly analyzed. The combined logistics data of the distributors can be used to analyze the situation of stock picking and effectively maintain the healthy development of the market.

Consumers can check the authenticity of each product and product date of production, lot number and other related information.

According to the situation that scanning code of the client, the company will have a big data analysis system after uploading the data, which will allow the company to have a deeper understanding of the market dynamics of the product.

CYCJET is the a brand name of Yuchang Industrial Company Limited. As a manufacturer, CYCJET have more than ten years of experience for wholesaler and retailer of different types of handheld inkjet printing solution, Laser printing solution, portable marking solution in Shanghai China.

Contact Person: David Guo

Telephone: +86-21-59970419 ext 8008

MOB:+86-139 1763 1707

Email: sales@cycjet.com

Website: http://www.cycjet.com/

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