Juggernaut (JGN) Announces Gate.io IEO for World’s First Unstoppable DeFi Commerce Market

2020-10-08    Starsgazette

BARCELONA, SPAIN - Gate.io, a world-leading digital asset exchange has announced that they will be doing an IEO (Initial Exchange Offering) for leading DeFi + NFT project, Juggernaut. Gate.io, was ranked by CoinGecko and CoinRank #1 in ROI for all IEO platforms in 2019. According to Cryptorank, a platform that provides real-time crypto price index and data, Gate.io had an average IEO ROI of 468.63% and was No.1 compared to other platforms.

JGN is a synthetic token generation system and mining machine network that can enable token projects to have real, sustainable, and modular business models. As the blockchain space evolves, decentralization will continue to be the essence of blockchain projects and their communities. Therefore, JGN is solving the problems for most token projects, to help them build and run a sustainable business model.
JGN hopes to change the structure that we have come to know and expect from other projects and incentivize its users with DeFi rewards for powering its unstoppable network.

Future features include adding and showcasing the actual ‘j’ Series DeFi synthetics. The first of these will be the jSKM synthetic in the coming months. Beyond that, JGN is working on making it easy for anyone to create their own customizable synthetic, bringing financial DeFi use cases to non-financial industries.

JGN will enable users to share value with stakeholders and create accountability in a dynamic and global setting. Moreover, with JuggerSWAP, users will be able to offer and fund these custom projects based on their own criteria. With JGN, if you can dream it, you can do it!

There is ongoing financial uncertainty with COVID-19. The world is beginning to open its eyes to the problems and risks massive inflation and a centralized financial system brings global citizens and our freedom. Juggernaut is a blockchain project that aims to flip a massive, old industry on its head. It all starts with the power of DeFi. DeFi (short for Decentralized Finance) goes beyond being a hot buzz word.  It is an ethos and new means of value distribution that is aiming to put the means of the whole financial world (lending, asset issuance, trading, insurance etc.) away from traditional, centralized financial institutions into a more open world.

The next evolution of DeFi will go beyond pure finance and into real-life financial use-cases and philosophy of all assets. It has the power to fundamentally alter the bedrock of how we define value. We now live in a time of anti-globalization (Trump banning Chinese owned Tik Tok), intensified government surveillance and a complete upheaval of almost every industry thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. The world’s largest companies continue to profit and cut costs with almost no consequences. The time is here to re-evaluate beyond just the finance and banking systems JGN believes that if society is going to have a true decentralized revolution, we must examine and see the burgeoning power of DeFi applied to untapped, yet massive industries that are ripe for disruption.

Cofounder Nacho Llanillio suggests that “with such a transformative technology like DeFi, we have the power to reimagine value, freedom and what open finance means”.
No other industry is poised for a massive overhaul like the incredible centralized, regulated, and corrupt finance space. We have always had to bend their whims and lack of any autonomy due to their complete monopolies of finance and centralized network infrastructure.

Ushering in NFT to DeFi:
According to Binance Academy: a non-fungible token (NFT) is a type of cryptographic token that represents a unique asset. NFTs are tokenized versions of digital or real-world assets. They function as verifiable proofs of authenticity and ownership within a blockchain network. NFTs are not interchangeable with each other and introduce scarcity to the digital world.

The standardization of NFTs allows a higher degree of interoperability, meaning that unique assets can be transferred between applications with relative ease.

NFTs have the potential to be one of the key components of a new blockchain-powered digital economy. They could be used in many different fields, such as video games, digital identity, licensing, certificates, or fine art - and even allow fractional ownership of items. Storing ownership and identification data on the blockchain would increase data integrity and privacy, while easy, trustless transfers and management of these assets could reduce friction in trade and the global economy. This makes the DeFi infrastructure being built by JGN, a natural fit for marrying NFTs with DeFi.

JGN hopes to change that and incentivize its users with DeFi rewards for powering its unstoppable network.

About Juggernaut (JGN) DeFi
JGN is designed to make DeFi synthetics simple and easy to use for any business use-case. With ‘j’ tokens, users would be able to accept, allocate and distribute profits, pay commissions, dividends and much more using custom synthetics. Users can add liquidity and offer their custom synths to the world to buy.
Learn more about Juggernaut DeFi by visiting http://www.JGNDeFi.com.

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